Woman pretending to be a man on social media cheated her own friend for 12 years, pretending to love

Woman pretending to be a man on social media cheated her own friend for 12 years, pretending to love

What is that friend who does not joke with you or pull your leg. It is common to make healthy jokes in friendship, to tease each other. But when the joke goes beyond limits, or even involves cheating, then it is not called friendship. Recently came to know about a Chinese woman who defamed the relationship of friendship. Actually, the woman lied to her own friend for 12 years (woman conned friend for 12 years) and kept extorting money from her.

According to the report of Audity Central News website, the police of Shanghai recently claimed that they have solved the case of a very strange online scam. While solving the case, the police has arrested a Chinese woman (woman defrauded friend). Actually, the victim woman in this case is of middle age and someone was cheating her online for the last 12 years.

Friend’s mother’s talk was bad
According to the report, the woman was engaged on social media for 12 years with a man who used to call himself a TV news anchor. Not only this, he pretended to be in love and meanwhile extorted around Rs 2 crore from the woman. The reason for cheating was the victim’s mother. Actually, both Yu and the woman named Li were best friends. One day Li’s mother tells her and her friend Yu that both are not beautiful, so it will be difficult for both of them to find husbands. Yu got angry after hearing such a thing from friend’s mother and thought that she would show the woman that she can find a husband.

duped friend by posing as news anchor
He told Lee and his mother that he had a friend who is a news anchor and was looking for a good girl. The mother said that she should fix her daughter’s relationship with him. After this Yu created a fake account and then started talking to Lee. The two continued to talk for several years, and while he had won Lee’s trust and affection, Yu was in personal need of money. Then he started extorting money from Lee as a news anchor and collected around Rs 2 crore for several years. Whenever Lee asked to meet, she used to make an excuse that she was busy.

Police arrested the woman
When Lee was short of money and the news anchor refused to meet him, he discussed this with Yu and asked him to introduce the anchor to him because he didn’t think he was the right person. He has taken her money and now she needs it. After this incident, Yu had to tell the truth and the ground slipped under Lee’s feet. Li then angrily filed a police case and Yu was arrested.

Tags: Ajab Gajab news, trending news, Weird news

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